NET2GRID’s technology is helping innogy to engage with their customers Zeist, The Netherlands - Germany is preparing for the large scale installation of digital meters starting in 2018. NET2GRID has worked since 2016 with innogy to develop a plug & play gateway allowing consumers to securely capture big data through the wireless HAN interface of the digital meters.
The SmartBridge is a smart meter WiFi dongle with smart home capabilities enabling the meter commissioning by the consumer while meeting the strict German security and privacy standards. It reads and stores usage data at the highest available resolution and pre-processes the data for analysis. This powerful infrastructure leads to detailed, disaggregated and itemized insights, for consumers as well as their energy supplier. This technology is bridging the gap between an itemized bill and smart home.
Thomas Jaletzky, Head of Retail Steering B2C at innogy SE, is happy with the partnership:
“After cooperating for a year with NET2GRID and testing their technology on a large scale pilot, we are impressed with the solution oriented attitude of NET2GRID and their capability to deliver. The promised service levels were met and the support tools helped us to manage the operational costs. The role of innogy is shifting from energy supplier to a fully fledged omni-channel solution provider. This requires new partners and NET2GRID has been selected as one of them.”
The environment in German homes makes it challenging to capture high resolution data with enough accuracy to be used in machine learning algorithms.
“The holistic approach of our embedded and platform teams have provided innogy a reliable infrastructure optimised for operational costs with maximum flexibility to differentiate.”
according to Bert Lutje Berenbroek, CEO NET2GRID.During the European Utility Week in Amsterdam, 3-5 October, NET2GRID is exhibiting the end-to-end energy insight solution.