NET2GRID’s technology connects smart meters to the cloud Zeist, The Netherlands - The smart meter has expanded to the majority of households in the Netherlands. Although energy consumption is measured continuously, big data is not used yet to make our energy insights smarter. To capture big data, NLE has selected the NET2GRID SmartBridge for a large scale energy insight service in the Netherlands.
The SmartBridge is a smart meter WiFi dongle, which, unlike other dongles, works in combination with any smart meter. It reads and stores usage data at the highest available resolution and pre-processes the data for big data analysis. This powerful infrastructure leads to detailed, disaggregated and itemized insights, for consumers as well as their energy supplier. This technology is bridging the gap between an itemized bill and smart home.
Harald Swinkels, CEO and founder of NLE, a Dutch energy retail challenger, is proud to present the partnership:
“After extensive trials with different technology providers, we selected the NET2GRID SmartBridge. This product works with all different meter types installed since 2012 and the self install experience of our customers was “plug & play”. The SmartBridge stores 5 years of data and pre-processes data for energy insight analytics. We see our role as an energy retailer shifting towards a multi-utility technology service provider. This shift requires new partners and NET2GRID is one of them.”
The requirements for the Dutch market are challenging. Several meter generations were installed since 2012 and the SmartBridge is designed to be self powered by the meter. This makes installation easy for the consumer but WiFi operation challenging.
“This hardware combines low level WiFi stack optimisation with data pre-processing enhancing the operation of artificial intelligence algorithms used to retrieve valuable information from big data.”
according to Bert Lutje Berenbroek, CEO NET2GRID.
The SmartBridge is part of Ynni, an advanced energy insight platform. It is being exhibited during the European Utility Week in Amsterdam, 3-5 October.