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Opening keynote at European NILM conference: IONA - NILM in a commercial rollout

Thessaloniki, 1 October 2019. For the opening keynote at the sixth European Non Intrusive Load Monitoring workshop in Thessaloniki, innogy and NET2GRID were asked to share insights on the recently launched iONA service based on NET2GRID NILM technology.

The iONA service was launched in Germany earlier this year to all innogy customers with a smart meter. Through the iONA energy insight service, innogy customers get the tools to understand their energy consumption on appliance level.

“The service is rated by customers with an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars. We give our customers a valuable service by translating meter data into useful information“

according to Peter Schulten, iONA project manager at innogy.

The NET2GRID NILM solution is meeting the challenging requirements in the German market.

“With multi family homes and meters in the basement, the German conditions are amongst the most challenging in Europe for data acquisition. Through full stack control over the iONA gateway, the Service Delivery Platform and the NILM service, we achieve a 90% accuracy and an 80% coverage of residential energy consumption“

according to Bert Lutje Berenbroek, CEO of NET2GRID.

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